god i love this song
The title means "bagatelle in the water" so i always assumed a bagatelle was some kind of fish. I always picture little fish and the blueness of the water when I listen to this piece.
(A bagatelle actually means "a short piece of music, typically for the piano, and usually of a light, mellow and innocent character." via wiki)
listening to it reminded me of this David Hockney etching, The Boy Hidden in a Fish
It's from Hockney's grimm's fairytale book which I'd been meaning to post about for a while..it's so stylish
you can see the rest of the etchings here
I really really like david hockney's work in general, I own one of his poster books and used to have a big photocopy of this one up in my room hockney pictures
Today I saw The Diary of Tortov Roddle, a beautiful animated film by Kunio Kato (stills via here) My sister recently saw The House of Toy Building Blocks by the same guy and said it was great... his debut film The Apple Incident sounds pretty interesting too
your blog is super cool :) glad i found it! x
LOVE the David Hockney etchings! I've never seen that book, thanks for posting! it looks great, I'll have to find a copy at the library now
the last ones are lovely!!
Brill pics! Loving the blog!
why did you removed all your videos?
i'll put them up again soon but you can see all my youtube favorites here
Cool blog, nice illustrations. =)
excellent =)
in all my time as blogger, this is one of the best reviews about this theme, in fact you have many information that I can't find in others sides.
Whoever was the artist that made the men with the big black hat. I love your work.
-Zane of ontario honey
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