bang bang you hit the ground
ah there's so much stuff i wanna blog about right now, i dont know where to begin... for starters i came across the cutest book at the hair salon yesterday, Ruben Toledo's Style Dictionary. i was so obsessed with it i didn't let go of it the entire halfhour we were letting the hair dye soak in! i think ive seen toledo's work here and there, not all of it is my cup of tea but i just looooooooove his illustrations in this book, i love the faces and the wide variety of body shapes, the random/funny style labels, and how every look is so realistic, so well thought out and so complete, head to toe. (one of the stylists at the salon even mentioned that she drew inspiration from a lot of the hairstyles pictured in this book)
unfortunately i cant find any good images from the book to show you... if i manage to buy one anytime soon ill definitely upload photos.
i went to the hair salon that produces one of my favorite hair design magazines called +ING, but more on that later...
i got my bangs cut super short and i got red hair. sides are still shaved but i think ill start growing it out soonyay for raver ball chain necklaces with tight tees!
Did you know John Lurie paints now? ive already written about lurie a few times in this blog, I love him in the Jarmusch movies, he's so poker-faced and chilled out and weird and sexy. I wasn't too familiar with his music (I did like that scene in permanent vacation where he plays the sax on the street) but I looked up some of his music too and I'm hooked"Follow the signs"
"When I die, I want to go like my grandfather, asleep and at peace. Not like the people screaming in the other car"
"Your life is meaningless, why don't you masturbate?"